About Soben

About Soben

General Information
회사명 / 대표자
Company Name/CEO
  • Soben International, INC(DBA: Soben Education Foundation of America / Brayden So
Business Area
  • 교육/교육컨설팅  (Education/Global Exchange)
  • 3435 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2350, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA.
전화번호 / 웹사이트
  • 213 354 6075 / Sobenedu.com
회사 설립 년도
  •  2011년도 12월 (December 2011)
President/CEO: Brayden (Byung-Sun) So
• Co-CEO: Youngjin Choi/Sooim Choi
Corporate Advisor: Dr. Paul Kyo Jhin, Dr. Hak-Kil Pyo,       Dr. Nath Iverson

• Vice President of Korea : Kyung-Mok Lee

Headquarters Managers : John Kim(General Manager)/  Jack Lee

Korea Field Manager : Chan-Kyu Park

China/Philippines : Benjamin Lee

Field Consultants : Professor Mary Shin / Dr.Joonwon Rhee

Soben Education has been working with various educational institutes and companies since 2010. Its excellent education service provides qualified global education services to the customers. With connecting global institutes and companies, Soben Education enhances its education program, and it operates experimental programs for students. Therefore, the programs of Soben are well recognized by certified institutes and government office. Soben Education has a vision that it’s all customers are able to achieve their dreams with worldwide network and service that Soben provides. There are two ways to accomplish the qualified education service. The one is the traditional way that people used to, the other is customized way using new technology. In the long run, Soben pursuits to offer the best qualified and most customized services for customers who are looking forward to achieving their big dreams. 
Business Purpose
Soben Education provides industry-leading programs to schools, businesses, and government agencies in the Americans with a vast infrastructure. We provide services suitable for the global by expanding exchanges with U.S educational/public institutions and industries. The Students, civil servants, entrepreneurs, and politicians conduct consigned education and training to various U.S educational/government institutions and companies. The global era is approaching, Our goal is to help you become the right person for the job.
글로벌 교육 서비스
전문 브랜드 창출
글로벌 교육 서비스
전문 브랜드 창출
교육 서비스의
글로벌 네트워크
교육 서비스의
글로벌 네트워크
리더 양성
리더 양성
회사 조직
소벤에듀케이션은 미주 지역내 학교, 기업, 정부기관에 방대한 인프라를 갖춰 업계 최고의 프로그램을 제공하고 있으며
참여자로부터 탁월한 만족도를 얻고 있습니다.
President / CEO : Brayden (Byungsun) So

Co-CEO: Youngjin Choi/Sooim Choi

Vice President of Korea : Kyung-Mok Lee

Corporate Advisor : Dr. Paul Kyo Jhin, Dr. Hak-Kil Pyo, Dr. Nathan Iverson

U.S General Manager : John Kim

U.S Manager : Jack Lee

Branch In New York
Field Manager : Jinhwan Joo
Branch In Europe

Chief director / Chief director 
Yong-Shik Min / Kyung-eun Han

Branch in Asia
[ China/Philippines ]
Field Manager :
Benjamin Lee (CoFounder)
외부 전경 및 라운지 
회사 내부
  • 3435 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2350, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA 
  • 213 354 6075 

Soben International, INC(DBA: Soben Education Foundation of America)

Area : Education, Education Consulting, and Global Exchange.

Address : 3435 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2350, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA.
Tel : 213 354 6075
E-mail : sobeneduinfo@gmail.com

Copyright SOBEN EDUCATION All rights reserved